Gta 4 weapon mods
Gta 4 weapon mods

Supported EFLC Versions:, Previous Versions Untested Supported GTAIV Versions:, Previous Versions Untested This took a while to create, but i finally did it. Provides you with the ability to run around in a city gone mad. RiotIV turns ordinary pedestrians into full-fledged psychopathic murderers,

  • explosion type: explosion type, from explosionFx.dat file.RiotIV is a open-source, configurable riot mode for GTAIV.
  • fusetime: bullet time before it explodes.
  • typetocreate type: type of the projectile, used on rocket launcher.
  • KEEP_CAMERA_BEHIND: keep the camera behind the player.
  • ARMOUR_PENETRATING: the bullet can go through the armor.
  • INSTANT_KILL_IN_MP: instant kill in multiplayer.
  • ADD_SMOKE_ON_EXPLOSION: add smoke on explosion.
  • EXPLOSION_BASED_ON_IMPACT: determines when the bullet explodes, based on explodeimpactthreshold="" and explodeimpactwithvehiclethreshold="" parameters.
  • CREATE_VISIBLE_ORDNANCE: shows the bullet before it's shooted.
  • TREAT_AS_2HANDED_IN_COVER: gun holded with both hands while you're covered.
  • MELEE_BLADE: used for the victim behaviour when hitted.
  • gta 4 weapon mods

  • MELEE_CLUB: used for the victim behaviour when hitted.
  • rumble duration: sound duration in milliseconds.
  • ammoonstreet: ammunitions when you get the gun on street.
  • pickup regentime: time the gun needs to appear in your hands (not sure).
  • reticule standing="" ducked="" scale="": Reticule size while standing and crouched and target scale (zoom).
  • crouchedoffset x y z: crouch accuracy on xyz axes.
  • aiming accuracy: how much is accurate the gun.
  • crouchtime: crouch time in milliseconds.
  • reload time: reload time in milliseconds.
  • physics force: physics force of the bullet to the things.
  • networkpedmod: same as above but for peds in multiplayer.
  • networkplayermod: modifier for the weapon's damage in multiplayer.
  • damage base: damage, explosion damage is into explosionFx.dat file.
  • timebetweenshots: time in milliseconds between first shot and second.
  • clipsize: number of ammunitions for each reload.
  • weaponrange: max distance the bullet may reach, also called projectile type.
  • targetrange: distance from target to show its health.
  • group: determines the effect from weaponFx.dat file.
  • damagetype: type of damage on impact, also called explosion type.
  • gta 4 weapon mods

  • firetype: type of bullet/fire to use, also called projectile type.
  • The following list includes the description of the parameters you can find in this file: With this file you can edit the features of any weapon of the game, for example the damage, the reload time, etc.

    gta 4 weapon mods

    Weaponinfo.xml file contains all the info about the weapons of GTAIV. » About weaponinfo.xml About weaponinfo.xml

    Gta 4 weapon mods